Gesso alla Romana

Gesso alla Romana

Gesso alla Romana

Kassette mit 10  Kaltnadelblättern und je einer Druckplatte und dazugehörendem Gipsabdruck.

Kassette Buchbinderei Christian Zwang
Druck Lars Dahms und Daniel Vogler im Atelier Till Verclas, alle Hamburg

Gesso alla Romana

Ten drypoint engravings on hand-made Whatman paper, 90g/m². An edition of 17 prints, signed and numbered in Arabic numerals, 5 designated as e.a., as well as one print apiece bearing the Roman numeral one. For the prints 1-10, an original plate and a gesso impression thereof accompany each print. The preferred edition with the Roman numeral one contains all of the gesso impressions along with the prints on paper. The gesso impressions were made by Till Verclas, the drypoint engravings were printed by Lars Dahms and Daniel Vogler at Till Verclas’s studio.

Gesso alla Romana (gesso “plaster” Roman-style)